Start time 9h30
Daycare Emergency First Aid – CSA Basic course is fast-paced and extensive 1-day course that delivers proven methods for providing basic, urgent assistance to injured or ill adults, children and infants. Through a combination of instruction, demonstration, and hands-on practice, participants will learn how to determine the severity of a patient’s condition, including severe allergic reactions, and practice safe intervention when providing them with emergency support.
This course, is aimed at individuals working in daycare, childcare, babysitting, or other professions routinely engaging with children or infants, and who are required to receive 8 hours or less of emergency or basic first aid instruction/practice, as recommended by provincial health & safety regulations.
- Emergency Scene Management
- Shock, Fainting, and Unconsciousness
- Head, Spine, and Pelvic Injuries
- Severe Bleeding and Wounds
- Adult/Child/Infant Resuscitation
- Medical Conditions (including Asthma, Allergies, Diabetic Emergencies, Seizures, and Poisoning)
- Treatment of burns
- And more…